Webpage of Marcin Briański
I am a PhD student at the Institute of Theoretical Computer Science of Jagiellonian University under supervision of Piotr Micek.
I am working as a mathematician at BEIT in Kraków.
My interests center around structural graph theory, graph colourings, graph algorithms and structural matroid theory.
I subscribe to Crocker's Rules
List of Papers and Preprints
Last updated on 07/12/2024
On high genus extensions of Negami's conjecture
James Davies, and Jane Tan
Four-coloring Eulerian triangulations of the torus
with Daniel Kráľ, Ander Lamaison, and Xichao Shu
Erdős-Pósa property of tripods in directed graphs
with Meike Hatzel, Karolina Okrasa, and Michał Pilipczuk
Excluding a clique or a biclique in graphs of bounded induced matching treewidth
with Tara Abrishami, Jadwiga Czyżewska, Rose McCarty, Martin Milanič, Paweł Rzążewski, and Bartosz Walczak
Defective and Clustered Colouring of Graphs with Given Girth
with Robert Hickingbotham, and David R. Wood
Branch-depth is minor closure of contraction-deletion-depth
with Daniel Kráľ, and Kristýna Pekárková
Closure property of contraction-depth of matroids
with Daniel Kráľ, and Ander Lamaison
Boolean dimension of a Boolean lattice
with Jędrzej Hodor, Hoang La, Piotr Micek, and Katzper Michno
Order (2024)
Pathwidth vs cocircumference
with Gwenaël Joret, and Michał T. Seweryn
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 38(1), 857–866
Treedepth vs circumference
with Gwenaël Joret, Konrad Majewski, Piotr Micek, Michał T. Seweryn, and Roohani Sharma
Combinatorica (2023)
Characterization of matrices with bounded Graver bases and depth parameters and applications to integer programming
with Martin Koutecký, Daniel Kráľ, Kristýna Pekárková, and Felix Schröder
49th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP 2022), 29:1--29:20
Mathematical Programming (2024)
Separating polynomial χ-boundedness from χ-boundedness
with James Davies, and Bartosz Walczak
Combinatorica (2023)
Reconfiguring Independent Sets on Interval Graphs
with Stefan Felsner, Jędrzej Hodor, and Piotr Micek
46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2021), 23:1--23:14
Benchmarking 16-element quantum search algorithms on superconducting quantum processors
with Jan Gwinner, Wojtek Burkot, Łukasz Czerwiński and Vladyslav Hlembotskyi
Introducing Structure to Expedite Quantum Search
with Jan Gwinner, Vladyslav Hlembotskyi, Witold Jarnicki, Szymon Pliś, and Adam Szady
Physical Review A, 2021, 103.6: 062425
Erdős-Hajnal properties for powers of sparse graphs
with Piotr Micek, Michał Pilipczuk, and Michał T. Seweryn
SIAM J. Discrete Math., 35(1), 447–464
A short note on graphs with long Thomason's chains
with Adam Szady
Discrete Mathematics, 2022, 345.1: 112624
Things I Can Do
Level of competence left unspecified.